$100 Million for Equity: Macarthur Foundation'S New Big Bet and Mandate

Foundation: MacArthur Foundation


This year's MacArthur Foundation 100&Change grant competition has a new requirement: applicants must include diversity, equity, and inclusion in their proposals, the Chicago Tribune reports.

"We're being consistent with our values," says Chris Cardona, managing director of discovery exploration and programs at the Chicago-based foundation.

"We don't see this as barrier entry," adds Michael Hartmann, senior fellow at the Capital Research Center, a conservative think tank.

"Too a filter could make a grant award focused on DEI from MacArthur or another runfoul of the law," he adds, per Fortune.

But Cardona says that's not the case.

"We have a filter really wide open," he says.

"We have specific questions about who benefits from the project and whether they are from marginalized populations or those with significant needs."

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