Social Enterprise Categories

Social Enterprise Resources - Network

Home - Irish Social Enterprise Network -

Irish Social Enterprise Network is the largest network for Social Enterprises, Social Entrepreneurs and Social Innovators in Ireland

Global Social Entrepreneurship Network (GSEN)

GSEN is an international network for organisations supporting early stage social entrepreneurs. We believe in the power to peer-to-peer.

Social Enterprise Network | Flickr

Explore Social Enterprise Network's 149 photos on Flickr!


Brisbane Social Enterprise is a place where social entrepreneurs and supporters of social enterprise can meet, network, do business, and share stories in a relaxed, friendly atmosphere. Social Enterpr
keywords - Social Enterprise,Women Entrepreneurs,Green Technology,Entrepreneurship,Entrepreneur Networking,Young Entrepreneur,green business,Green Entrepreneurs,Co-Op,Social Entrepreneurship,Helping Social Enterprises,cooperatives,Micro-enterprise,Brisbane Social Enterprise,Brisbane,AU

What is enterprise social networking ? - Definition from

Enterprise social networking is an organization's use of social media -- internally and externally -- to connect individuals who share similar business interests or activities.

About - Nashville Social Enterprise Alliance

The Nashville Social Enterprise Alliance is the local chapter of the Social Enterprise Alliance (SEA), the leading membership organization in North America for enterprising nonprofits, social purpose businesses, and educators who come together to promote financial sustainable social innovation through networking opportunities, educational forums, strategic partnerships, and impact legislation.

Social Enterprise Catalyst

seCatalyst is a network of people and organizations interested in building a strong social innovation and social enterprise sector on Vancouver Island.

Resources | The Tamer Center for Social Enterprise

The Tamer Center for Social Enterprise works with student clubs to organize seminars and panels and to meet with students to provide information on social enterprise careers. The program also facilitates networking opportunities such as the annual Social Enterprise Reception for students and alumni, which typically takes place at the beginning of the spring term, and helps

Social Enterprise | Social Enterprise Blog

Rolfe Larson is the author of Venture Forth! the award-winning guide to social enterprise endorsed by the late Paul Newman of Newman's Own. RLA edits the 10,000+ circulation npEnterprise Forum, the official online partner of Social Enterprise Alliance.
keywords - social enterprise directory,social purpose,earned income,nonprofit business,nonprofit venture,social enterprise,social enterprise trends,basics and overviews,earned-income generation,taking your social enterprise to scale,business plan competition,social enterprise pitch,social entrepreneurship,social ventures,competitions,social enterprise marketplace,suggested donation box,small museum,state of social enterprise,social enterprise alliance,rolfe larson,janine vanderburg,joining vision and action,impact economy,uncategorized,redf,social enterprise profits,invisible capital,privilege economy,social venture,social venture capital,venture capital,impact investing,devin thorpe,social venture network,communications,social capital

Enterprise Social Media for Business | Microsoft Office

Empower employees to share information, crowdsource ideas, and tap into the collective knowledge of coworkers.
keywords - business social network,Enterprise social network,social media for business

Chief executive of HCT, Dai Powell, shares the experiences and practical lessons he learned along the way when teaming up with Ealing Community Transport to deliver site transport during the Olympic Park construction.

Federal Government Grant and Assistance Programs

Congressionally Mandated Projects | Judicial Training on Child Maltreatment for Court Personnel Juvenile Justice Programs | St. Mary Storage Unit Facilities Rehabilitation Project | Educational Exchange_Graduate Students | Universal Newborn Hearing Screening | Inspection Grading and Standardization | Water Desalination Research and Development Program | Remedies for Unfair Foreign Trade Practices_Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Investigations | | Site Style by YAML | | Grants | Grants News | Sitemap | Privacy Policy

Edited by: Michael Saunders

© 2008-2024 Copyright Michael Saunders